
How are things going with Piper? I would love to see a picture of him if you have one. In fact I would really like to post one on the web page, with your permission. Sort of a "before and after" thing.

The foster program is still going strong. We just took our 11th!! back to the shelter to be spayed, and now I am going through withdrawal.

Did you see the article in the Post-Gazette a few days ago? Apparently the city is rethinking the whole "dog park" idea. I'm stressed out about it because I really rely on the off leash area at Frick Park to exercise the dogs (especially the fosters). So of course I had to start a letter-writing campaign.

I hope everything is going well with you and your family (including Piper, of course!).


Dear Amy,
Piper is doing great!! I have to confess - I have about 10 rolls of film that I have yet to get developed. I keep forgetting to take them when I actually have the extra money to do it...and I should really just invest in a digital camera. I promise I'll get you a picture soon!

Piper now weighs 49 lbs! I was looking through his original paperwork from the shelter and saw that he was just 38.6 lbs the day they picked him up. His fur is really growing in and he's just beautiful! The last remnants of that awful skin condition are almost gone. He is currently under treatment for an ear infection, tho. You should see us wrestling him to get the medication in his ear - what a battle! But then yesterday, I finally got smart - I had Frank hold a handful of food under his nose while I slipped the tube in his ear - he still fussed but couldn't resist keeping his mouth in the food - it was much easier! His re-check is this afternoon and I'm really hoping it's all cleared up.

Piper is, for the most part, extremely well-behaved. He's very smart and has settled in well. We continue to work with him - he still gets agitated around older boys - but no other problems at all. The kids love him and he sure seems to love them, too. Even Frank, who was always more of a cat person, has fallen in love (but will never admit it!).

I missed the article about the dog park. Why are they re-thinking it? Send me a copy of your letter - I'll write one, too. It looks like a dog park will soon be a reality in North Park, which is great for us but won't help you at all...

Glad to hear from you. I feel for you on the withdrawal symptoms, and admire what you're doing so greatly.

I'll e-mail again soon with a picture attached.
Take care,
